Monday, January 17, 2011

The Niggled Ninjas Discover PARKOUR

Sometimes ideas surprise you.  They come from absoltely nowhere.  They seem random but are actually really good ideas.  Starting our parkour group called The Niggled Ninjas was exactly one of those kinds of ideas.

We started talking about parkour one evening when we were wasting time on Xbox Live.  We thought parkour seemed pretty fun, and quickly we were talking about the possibility of doing parkour oursleves.  While trying to come up with a name, we remembered our trademark niggle.  After combining the fun of being niggled with the extreme of being a ninja, we became the Niggled Ninjas.

We wanted to get a few of us together and try parkour to see what it was all about.  We told some of our friends, until we had the six of us all onboard: Jim Brooks, Christian Read, Nate Kahn, Jordan Elie, Jordan Miller, and Jeremy Walker.

All of us planned to go the whole nine yards with this.  Saturday we recruited another teammate, Nick Barclay.  Monday, even another one, Alex Pittman.  That day most of the team also had their first practice at Roy Elementary.  Everyone had fun, but there is still practice to be had.  Everyone we doubted did pretty good, but everyone we expected greatness from have plenty of room for improvement.  We also found some great gaps there; we already can't wait for the next trip out.

Parkour is a French word meaning 'the art of movement'.  Parkour to us is mainly a lot of fun and a lot of extreme, not to mention good excercise.  None of us plan to let this interest die out anytime soon.  In fact, we are going parkour again this Saturday and we can't wait until then.

Some of us are talking about going worldwide and recruiting as many people as possible, so feel free to follow in our footsteps as a Niggled Ninja!

-Christian Read